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Since 1980, Centre for Neuro Skills has delivered postacute medical care, therapeutic rehabilitation, and disease management services for people recovering from acquired and traumatic brain injury. To support the healing process for patients, CNS offers Metagenics®, a line of powerful neuro nutrients, which emerged from scientific research focused on optimal brain function. Neuro nutrients contain antioxidants and neuro protectants, which, along with other therapies, promote improved brain metabolism and may prevent disease progression.

A Science-based Suite of Products

Meet the Neuro Nutrient 'Superheroes'

Vitamin B12/Folate – Vital to energy production and red blood cell formation, it can help maintain a healthy nervous system and is important for cardiovascular function. Vitamin B12 has also been used to improve mood and energy. B12 supplementation is crucial for vegetarians, since its food sources include meat, fish, and dairy products.

Vitamin C – An antioxidant that supports bone, muscle, and blood vessel health, Vitamin C helps collagen production, which is the main component of healthy connective tissue. It has also been prescribed to protect against memory decline through its actions as an antioxidant.

Vitamin D – Key to breast, colon, and prostate health, it has anti-inflammatory properties, supports the absorption of calcium, and helps prevent osteoporosis.

Vitamin E – An antioxidant that protects against cell damage caused by ultraviolet radiation, air pollution, and other toxins, Vitamins E and C support the immune system and protect against cell damage. Vitamin E has also been prescribed for patients with Alzheimer's disease to help treat memory loss.

Fish Oil – Contains large amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. Essential for heart health (i.e., helps maintain healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels), fish oil has also been associated with neuro protection and reducing inflammation throughout the body.

Centre for Neuro Skills

Just A Click Away

To order, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Metagenics website here.
  2. Click Buy Products, then click Other Products, then click CNS Recommended Bundle, click Add to Cart
  3. Click Create Account & enter information
  4. Click Checkout & pay